New changes: please read below and help pages

You can now set Creative Commons licences for sharing your records and photographs but please read the help pages on licensing before assigning your licence. Other changes are described on this help page.

Explore fungal plant associations
A new analysis page will help you answer questions such as 'What ascos grow on beech leaves?' or 'What plants is this fungus associated with?'. Try it out for yourself.

The Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland has many features including entering records online, using maps to find grid refs and the facility to form groups who can share records. Get started by registering here.

Handy maps
Use a map to help you to verify your locations and grid references. Initialise the map to start up where you usually record.

Favourite sites
You can create and save boundary outlines of your sites and then view and download your records on that site.

Helpful hints
Receive some helpful hints about the species you are entering from Kew's Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota and NBN alerts .

Upload images
You can upload images to accompany your record and receive comments from others about your find.